Constipation is often defined as infrequent bowel movements, with many people having less than three bowel movements per week. It’s also described as a feeling of incomplete evacuation, or as if you still have more stool to pass through.

Just about everyone has constipation at some point in life, and often it’s not severe, but even when constipation is short-lived, decreased stool movement may cause a number of other symptoms such as stomach cramps and lower back pain.

Nausea, on the other hand, is best described as uneasiness or crankiness in the stomach. It may cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth and an urge to vomit.  Although these conditions can occur separately, they often occur together as symptoms of a common underlying problem.

1. Irritable bowel syndrome  

Irritable Intestinal Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that affects large intestines. It may cause problems such as stomach pain, vomiting, bloating, diarrhoea, and constipation. Many IBS people are also having episodes of diarrhoea.

IBS is a chronic condition, but it does not affect the large intestines or cause colorectal cancer. The exact cause of IBS is not known. It may be caused by an excess of good bacteria in the intestines, inflammation in the intestines, or nerve defects in the digestive system. Food borne illness due to bacteria also causes diarrhoea. It may also increase the risk of developing IBS.

2. Dehydration 

Thirst is not the only sign of dehydration. It may also cause digestive problems.

Dehydration happens when the body doesn’t get the water it needs to function properly.

In the digestive tract, a lack of fluid can cause dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass through. As your body loses fluids, you may experience other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, and confusion.


3. Medication  

If you have constipation and diarrhoea and you have recently started taking a new medication, you may be guilty of the drug. Drug side effects are normal, with some drugs that cause constipation, vomiting, stomach pain and nausea. Side effects may improve after a few days or weeks.


 4. Pregnancy 

Pregnancy is also responsible for a number of digestive problems. Many women experience constipation due to an increase in the progesterone hormone. This increase may slow down intestinal contractions, resulting in less bowel movements. Compression of the intestines from the rising womb can also make it difficult for stools to move through. Certain women may experience morning sickness during pregnancy, which may include nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness can only occur during the first trimester. For some women, it can last for the entire pregnancy.

5. Lactose intolerant   

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which a person has difficulty digesting sugar in milk. Some people have diarrhoea with this disorder, but others have constipation, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Problem foods include milk, ice cream, cheese, sour cream and any other products containing milk as an ingredient.


Treatment For Constipation and Nausea  

If you have constipation and diarrhoea, knowing the underlying problem will help you determine the correct treatment.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, the identification of foods that cause your symptoms can improve both constipation and nausea.

IBS triggers vary from person to person. Too much fibre may cause symptoms in some people, while others may develop symptoms after drinking chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, fried food, or eating large meals.

If you believe that you have one or more of these conditions, you should seek immediate medical attention. Your local emergency care or walk-in clinic is capable of assessing, diagnosing and treating most constipation and diarrhoea conditions!